I like to discuss issues about breastfeeding, veganism, motherhood, natural life, and way to help the environment, develop the self, becoming truly free in mind and physically and save money...
Tuesday, December 23
Newsletter about News cast to watch today!
At 4pm, go to www.foxnews.com/strategyroom and watch as Rick Leventhal interviews us in The Strategy Room Online. It’s a one-hour show with live streaming video and you can send in your comments and questions to strategyroom@foxnews.com. Claudine Liss and Barbara Majeski will be joining me. I told Rick that people across the country will be tuning in because this issue resonates with all with parents. So please send in your e-mails to thank FOX NEWS for their terrific coverage… and tell them that you want more!
At 7pm, turn your TV or your DVR on and watch FOX NEWS with Shepherd Smith. This is the national FOX NEWS channel not your local Fox affiliate. You’ll watch the segment filmed this past Friday at the Summit, NJ vaccination choice open house. Two families, the Allans and the Franks, told Rick how the flu shot mandate has personally affected their lives. A big thank you to both families for the gift of their courage in telling their stories.
Hot off the press, please read Jennifer Kohlhepp’s fine article about our meeting with Health Commissioner Howard on December 3rd http://tinyurl.com/a5nayf. This is an excellent follow up to her October 23rd coverage of the Trenton vaccination choice rally which you can read here: http://tinyurl.com/5tfp3x. And then send her an email to thank her for listening and reporting our story! Jennifer’s email is: examiner@gmnews.com.
Sometimes our Christmas gifts arrive a couple days early. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Saturday, December 13
Infant Formula Contaminated Part II
Than sprinkle the kids with mercury, vaccinnes!
Friday, December 5
Infant Formula contaminated!
Illusion and Perception
I have never taken a marketing class, but I have always read and seen information about illusion and perception. My life constantly changes.
My religion was Catholic...Now, I think of it as "sun" worshipping! Ha! I'm still spiritual, and I believe that we are one, yes you Jewish, you Christian, you Muslim, you Hindu, you Atheist, we are all part of the same energy and source...We all need plants to survive...My diet was omnivore...Now, I have a plant based diet, because my belief system change from it is bath for your health to we don't have dominion over animals, why would such intelligent creatures exist in the eart to die for us. We are constantly changing, growing, evolving, maturing, for some time I lived clubbing and chilling...now I live being a mom and working...I think that my experiences have shaped what I am today, and continue to shape what I am today, tomorrow doesn't matter, what matters is that I experience life today. Time is the only thing on my side...
and Love ya!
Marieliz Monclova
Wednesday, November 19
Do you have allergies or asthma?
Notice everything that has milk, look at INGREDIENTS, every processed food must have it. It comes in many different forms, and with many different names such as butter, buttermilk, cream, ice cream, whey, milk powder, lactose, casein, albumin (sometimes you will see, caseinate, is the same, milk!)
Eat bananas, apples, and oranges instead of that cookie
Eat cereal but do it with almond milk, rice milk or soy milk.
Don’t eat chocolate, most of them have milk in them, if you find dairy free chocolate, have a blast!
Have a no cheese pizza, have all the other toppings instead.
Use Mayo, instead of butter on the bread, or use vegan Earth Balance or Smart Balance.
Do a search on not milk on the internet.
If it worked for you, let me know!
Wednesday, October 15
My VBAC story in You Tube
This is the visual version of the story.
Lyrics to the song!!
You Gotta Believe Lyrics
Artist(Band):Natalie Brown
N. Brown/J. Rwakaara
You've been thinking about your life
And wondering what to do
You have some big dreams inside
But how do you see them through
When you don't know where to go
To make a start
Tell ya what, listen to your heart
Focus on the prize, dreams will be realized
No matter what people say, keep going anyway
You gotta believe, believe in you
You gotta have faith, faith in all you do
You gotta stay strong, no matter what comes your way
Get on your knees so you won't stray
You gotta believe
Sometimes when you
Have a dream to achieve
Things get rough and tight
But ya gotta believe
That if you stay in the game
You'll come out on top
So give it your all, don't ever stop
Focus on the prize, dreams will be realized
No matter what people say, keep going anyway
Focus so you won't stray
No matter what people will say
Keep on goin' do your best
Know that you will be blessed
Thursday, October 9
NJ Vaccination Choice Newsletter
10/9: Here is the full video of our segment on Fox & Friends this morning: http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?maven_referralObject=3144881&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/foxfriends//
At the last second, their staff doctor declined to go on the show (she was only prepared to talk about the bill, not about the flu shot). We think this is why they cut the segment much shorter than expected. However, they interviewed us for a longer segment right afterwards for their internet show which should be posted soon. Check back at http://www.foxnews.com/foxfriends/ and click on Thursday’s “After the Show Show.” We were able to discuss the Trenton rally details. We also challenged Senators Obama and McCain to take up this issue more prominently and mentioned the requests of the vaccine safety and autism communities for two Executive Orders to be made by the next President within their first 100 days of office (moratorium on all new childhood vaccines until the current schedule is proven safe and removal of thimerosal from all vaccines by 1/1/2010).
Hopefully we’ll have information for you about another Fox segment the day of the rally. They are considering either an early morning show or having a truck on-site to cover the event.
10/9: We just learned that Governor Corzine called a Special Session of the entire Senate and Assembly at 12pm on 10/16, the precise date and start time of our rally. Caucuses will probably begin 11:00 or 11:30am. I will find out more and share it with everyone.
10/8: Rich Krajewski wrote a terrific Letter to the Editor of the Jersey Journal http://www.nj.com/opinion/jjournal/letters/index.ssf?/base/letters-3/12234423187721.xml&coll=3
10/6: A reminder that human nature is, well… always with us. http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/healthday/2008/10/06/pediatricians-would-admit-error-only-half-the-time.html
10/5: Watch the poignant vaccination story of beautiful Max Majeski and his mom’s lessons learned http://njvaccinationchoice.org/channel.html or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YswnGsfZsQI. It is Max and too many hundreds of thousands of other children who are pushing us to do this urgent work.
Friday, September 26
Vaccine Nation
Hopefully, I will be able to watch the entire documentary soon. This is very interesting, and informative.
Sunday, September 21
This is crazy and true!
Saturday, September 13
My 1st born son had RSV, he was vaxed!!!
RSV viruses "formed prominent contaminants in polio. vaccines, and were soon detected in children [159]." "the infectious agent that very likely entered the human population by way of a vaccine"
http://www.thinktwice.com/Polio. pdf
15. More animal viruses
Thousands of viruses and other potentially infectious micro-organisms thrive in monkeys and cows, the preferred animals for making polio vaccines [83:159]. SV-40, SIV, and BSE associated transmissible agents are just three of the disease-causing agents researchers have isolated. For example, scientists have known since 1955 that monkeys host the "B" virus, foamy agent virus, haemadsorption viruses, the LCM virus, arboviruses, and more [157]. Bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), similar in genetic structure to HIV, was recently found in some cows [103:100].
In 1956, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was discovered in chimpanzees [158]. According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, who stud-ied more than 30,000 pages of medical papers dealing with vaccination, RSV viruses "formed prominent contaminants in polio vaccines, and were soon detected in children [159]." They caused serious cold-like symptoms in small infants and babies who re-ceived the polio vaccine [159]. In 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association published two studies confirming a causal relationship between RSV and "relatively severe lower respiratory tract illness [160]." The virus was found in 57 percent of infants with bronchiolitis or pneumonia, and in 12 percent of babies with a milder febrile respiratory disease [161]. Infected babies remained ill for three to five months [161]. RSV was also found to be contagious, and soon spread to adults where it has been linked to the common cold [162].
Today, RSV infects virtually all infants by the age of two years, and is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants and children under one year of age [163]. It also causes severe respiratory disease in the elderly [164]. RSV re-mains highly contagious and results in thousands of hospitaliza- tions every year; many people die from it [165]. Ironically, scien-tists are developing a vaccine to combat RSV [166]Cthe infectious agent that very likely entered the human population by way of a vaccine [159].
Please visit http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm.
There is more, but can you believe what your eyes read??
Thursday, September 11
Not a happy birthday
Tuesday, September 9
Sunday, August 24
Breastfeeding is Bestfeeding!
I remember Nicolas struggled sucking on the bottle at first, after 6 weeks of breastfeeding at about 11 weeks old, I decided to try to give him a bottle again, and start pumping. At that time I realized that I didn't have enough in the freezer milk to go back to work anyway.
A learning experience it was, I know now what to avoid.
Nicolas had the bottle first, and he had them because the NICU wanted to know, how much he was eating. Nicolas arrived home, and I was still pumping and feeding, I didn't know what over pumping would do to me, or not pumping enough out, and I had mastitis. This is how I became a vegan, when I learn that cows get mastitis as well, yuck. My sister badly advised me that since I had a fever that I would need to stop nursing. My mother corrected my sister and said, no keep breastfeeding that child. I decided to do some searches, and I learned that goat and cows get antibiotics when this happens, and they give us that MILK. I'm drinking antibiotics, pesticides, in that WHITE stuff, the call the perfect food.
What I didn't realize was that it was best to just put Nicolas at the breast. That would avoid all supply issues. However, Nicolas was very sleepy, and he would fall asleep while eating, and get really angry when I put him down. After five weeks of trial and tribulations with Nicolas at the breast, I got in touch with La Leche League. I got some good advice, and breastfed Nicolas for 3 1/2 years.
Victor never fell asleep at the breast like his brother. That makes a huge difference in a full term and pre-term baby. This time around I have a freezer stash of about 60 ozs, and still growing. No experimental formula for this baby, only the best.
I read while breastfeeding Victor, Hirkani's Daughters by J.Hicks, and the Milk Memos by Cate Colburn-Smith and Andrea Serrette. La Leche League has these books at their Library. In addition, I recommend, Nursing Mother, Working Mother by Gail Pryor, I read this one when Nico was three months old, a little too late, but inspirational at best.
Wednesday, July 30
Tuesday, July 29
Sunday, July 20
Wednesday, July 16
Wednesday, July 9
Have you drank Tylenol recently?
Tylenol (calpol) depletes glutathione
Numerous studies document that tylenol depletes glutathione, which is
a crucial ingredient for immunity and for detoxification. Sadly, the
parents whose kids were having a vaccination reaction and, at doc's
or nurse's suggestion, gave tylenol were thereby exacerbating adverse effects.
Same would be for the use of it in any other illness.
Tylenol (Acetaminophen) depletes Glutathione (necessary for removal
of mercury)
Vitamin K injections
The rationale for newborn vitamin K injection at birth is that newborns are born with a "deficiency" of vitamin K. This perceived "deficiency" can lead to decreased clotting ability of the blood, that can leave the newborn more susceptible to hemorrhage. The risk is quite small, only about 1 in 200, but it does exist....
Sunday, July 6
Monday, June 23
The prepuce
How the prepuce works...
Why the heck do we have a prepuce...
This link is a video about the prepuce.
Sunday, June 22
Rupture rates after c-sections
I think that this article gives interesting facts about the reality in rupture rates after having a c-section.
VBAC Success Announcement
No epi/No drugs for mommy or baby! :)
I had my VBAC!! :)
7 lbs 7 ozs, 20 3/4 inches
mom to Nico 3 1/2 years old (c/s ftp baby in distress)
Friday, June 13
My baby's future partner in crime!! :)
Monday, June 9
1) The problem with this test according to the materials that I have been reading is that one day the bacteria may be there, one day the bacteria may not be there.
The treatment for it if you are positive is antibiotic treatment (generally penincillin). If you are familiar with antibiotics you may or may not know that if you the strain of bacteria that you have is resistant to this or any other antibiotic. There are allergic reactions associated with antibiotics.
2) The other problem is that despite of the fact that you may receive antibiotic treatment while in labor, if you are not taking the right antibiotic for the bacteria that you have, the antibiotic treatment does not work.
The are thing that increase the chance of your baby getting infected such as cervical exam, rupture of the membranes, etc.
You can opt to say, I don't want the antibiotic treatment, but now they want to take the baby away for testing, for cultures...
Can you opt to say, I don't want my baby taken for testing now? What are the repercussions?
I feel that at my stage of pregnancy, over 35 weeks, with a baby that most likely weighing over 5 lbs, and doing alternative treatments for to ensure that the bacteria is not there when I and the baby are ready for birth that my son will be one of the thousands of babies that is not infected with this bacteria.
However the way the medical model is arranged, I will be treated like an infected person. If I did not do the test, it would have been the same way. I would still be treated as an infected person.
Until later
Sunday, June 1
Sunday, May 25
35 weeks!
Check out the tier full of cupcakes!! The kids and adults alike wanted to taste the delicious looking vegan cupcakes that I got from Sweet Avenue Bakery at Rutherford, NJ. These were delicious....I got to eat a snowball chocolate, carrot cake, and white room... Almost everyone wanted to taste the cookies and cream. They were awesome!!
Take care,
Tuesday, May 20
Braxton Hicks
The first time I realized that I was having a false alarm was this past Sunday, while I was grocery shopping. I was walking and it literally said STOP, I felt my stomach become a knot, and it was really uncomfortable, I couldn't move for the next few minutes, I was afraid to keep walking, thinking that it may happen again. Could this be early signs of labor?
No, they are not early signs of labor. I have not had that feeling since Sunday at around 6 p.m. I have not forgotten it...I decided to write and question others that may understand where I am coming from in the Yahoo Groups, and they gave me the confidence again to continue, this is part of the process....
Friday, May 16
Approaching 34 weeks and 4 days
That was the day listed on my son's medical records, and my gestation period, based on my LMP...Soon, I will be 34 weeks and 4 days....
I'm thinking about the past, and moving myself forward, picturing now my success. My peaceful, easy birth.
Monday, May 12
Faith affirmations
I don't belong to a particular faith, religion. I find that most are offensive...
Here is a inspirational video...
Sunday, May 4
Positive Birth Stories
Here is another link!! :) An Amazing VBAC The VBAC birth of who gave birth to an 11 lbs baby at 42 weeks 2 days!! If you have anything awesome to share that would be great!! :)
Friday, May 2
32 weeks!!!
According to the information I got from the midwife I saw at my 31 weeks appointment was that I was measuring 30 centimeters, it felt like I had enough fluid, the head was down, and everything seem to be coming together perfectly for me. She read my birth plan, and said that the hospital staff would be supportive, and that I should not have any problems with having my baby with me 24/7.
I have decided not to vaccinate my newborn baby because the risks are the side effects plus the contaminants inside the vaccines are not safe for my precious baby, nor were these for my older son, but I trusted the system. I feel as though for my first pregnancy, I became a victim of the system. The system took the choices from me, made them for me, and I just went along with them. A college education did not provide me with all the knowledge and common sense that I have with me through actually living and observing life. Today, I know how to really AVOID a c-section, today I know how to live life better, today I know how to feed myself better, today I know that I love myself and my family more than ever.
Sunday, April 20
Breech birth!!
Friday, April 18
Five Good Reasons to Delay Clamping the Cord
The first reason is basically that is what nature intended. The second reason it gives the parents a chance to bond with the newborn, slows down the drill. The third reason is because it may cause unusual lesion in the brains of infants. The fourth reason is the problem with Rh negative mothers, it is advised to wait until the placenta is delivered. The last reason is because the baby is designed to have the blood at birth, scientist have discovered t-cells which have cancer fighting properties in these blood...we shouldn't wait until 30 years later to give the blood to that baby, but now...to build strong bodies.
Part of my birth plan is to delay the clamping of the cord. I already advised my midwife of the cord clamping. I gave them the birth plan. When I arrive at the hospital, they should be aware of all my requests, such as not asking me for my level of pain, not asking me whether or not I want my epidural, not asking me whether my baby should be circumcised, not administering Vitamin K shots, or hep B, or eye ointment. I wrote that I don't want pacifiers and bottles for my baby. I took care of everything I could possibly think of using other people's ideas of birth plans, and merging them into what I needed for myself.
At 30 weeks, waiting for the next few 70 days or so...to pass by smoothly and happily.
Monday, April 14
The Baby MOVES me
I feel the kicks higher in belly, which is good, it could mean that he is in the right position. He is kicking me above the belly button. Now, I'm telling him that he needs to face my back, and keep kicking up there where he is at. I tell him that is great that he is kicking, it doesn't bother me at all. Well it only bothers me when I feel movement right on top of my bladder, and I have to go ROOM...oh! If you have had pressure place in your bladder, you know how that goes. I'm terribly excited as time goes on and everything with the baby is so perfect. I'm increasing in size, gaining weight as I should be. I'm looking forward to birthing, and putting the hypnobabies into practice. I have about 10 weeks left. I'm just thinking positively that I am looking forward to meeting my second son real soon.
Sunday, April 6
La Leche League of New Jersey
La Leche League is a great program that helps ladies thru mother to mother support gain trust back into breastfeeding. I did with my son when he was 5 weeks of age, I had tons of doubt, and problems. Despite of the mastitis, the lack of support, and other things, I breastfed for about 3 1/2 years...basically almost two to three months ago, my son stopped mainly due to breastmilk probably decreasing due to my pregnancy, in which I was frequently complaining about tenderness. In all honesty if I was not pregnant, I think we would still be a breastfeeding duo.
La Leche League can be found at www.llli.org, and the La Leche League of NJ can be found at www.lalecheleaguenj.org.
Friday, April 4
April is Cesarean Awareness Month
I have learned that I must take responsibility for my learning, not one person in the world is going to come to me and say you should really learn about this or that...
There are people that are willing to give you the hand, and share their rope, but only if you are out there seeking for it...not the other way around. At the end of the day, at the end of the month, it is only up to you, to take their hand, and let them guide you and help you, is it up to you to ask the right questions, is it up to you to make sure you get the right answers...
Here is the website to learn more about ICAN, and Cesarean-Awareness-Month
Friday, March 28
Another book!!
I just received a new copy of the book "Back Labor No More" by Janie Mc Coy King. I started reading the book which includes a door hinge...yes, I said it includes a door hinge. The purpose of the door hinge is to illustrate to the mother, another reason why back labor is not good for the mother. The book describes a technique to help you use gravity to your advantage. The technique must be used without drugs that may prevent you to feel every sensation that you need to know that you are doing this right. Another tip, and another way to learn to birth better.
This book is very easy to read. I ordered my book through this website and a great internet offer. http://www.backlabornomore.com/.
Have a great day!!
Monday, March 24
Hathor the Cow Goddess!
This website has a lot of cool article, blogs about birthing, breastfeeding, and the works. It is always nice to visit and confirm or learn new things based on the REAL world. She just wrote a blog about how much she loves ICAN.
Saturday, March 15
25 weeks
This is me at 25 weeks! It is as solid and healthy as it can possibly be. I am really excited looking toward the next fifteen weeks or so for the baby to arrive. Time is going by really fast, and I'm only getting bigger!!
In the next few days, I plan to be doing a birth plan...Birth plans can be very involved. The hypnobabies course that I am doing encourages everyone to do a birth plan. The birth plan addresses everything you need. It informs the nursing staff and the doctors where you are willing to be flexible or not. I think this will be an excellent opportunity for me to do more research once again, and ensure that I know what I am putting on the plan.
There are several subheadings that can be included in a birth plan. The birth plan can state to everyone what your preferences are as far as hydration, vaginal examinations, episiotomy, management of labor, about the umbilical cord, whether or not you choose to have certain vaccinations, especially if you do not want them, breastfeeding, visitors, etc. The birth plan can reflect your personality. It can be written in your own words.
I am going to keep my plan within 2 pages. I plan to use a size 12 font, and some sort of arial for easiness in reading. If you are pregnant, and plan to have a hospital birth, I suggest you start looking into the birth plan as well. You will be making informed decisions and choices even before you walk into the hospitals doors. Until later!
Friday, March 14
50 WAYS!!
I personally don't like the picture of the food about the protein intake, but I think this was hilarious!! :)
50 Ways to Scare a Mother
50 Ways to Birth More Safely
All the videos originated from
http://enjoybirth.wordpress.com & http://hypnobabies.wordpress.com
Have a great day!!
Thursday, March 13
When I think about the whole experience, once I learned how to do it, how to measure it, and how to define success...It was a lovely and great experience. People are often asking me questions about what did I supplement with, how do you know he is getting enough, doesn't it hurt? In my initial experience, I had pain. I had aggravation. I couldn't tell if he was getting enough. Moreover, I didn't trust the natural process of breastfeeding. I learned luckily by reading, and meeting other moms who were breastfeeding through La Leche League.
I found all this wonderful information using the World Wide Web, and I posted about it on my other webpage, http://www.geocities.com/morelia78/bebe.html. I didn't write about mastitis, because I reserved that for my vegan page. That pain by itself was a world of its own, that lead me to do tons and tons of research about why I should really just stick to breastfeeding. It wasn't just about saving tons of money on FORMULA. It wasn't just about being the best thing for the ENVIRONMENT. Do you know how much trash you produce, just trying to feed your baby the CONVENIENT FOOD?? It is about the fact that we don't know what nutrients breast milk contains and it was meant for the baby. BREAST MILK serves to prepare the immune system, provides emotional support, and does many invisible and miraculous things for your baby.
I am not a Breastfeeding NUT. What I hope other would do is research, learn to think independently, and do what is best under EVERY SINGLE circumstance. If you do not know what your options are, you are simply letting others decide for you.
Saturday, March 8
My entire middle part trembles....
I finally started class #2, and I'm practically done with this class. I have done the first part 3 times, and the second part 2 times, and I have been doing the affirmations. The great part about it was that I feel that somehow it is doing what it is supposed to do, because when the session is done, I wake up!! I think I'm going into hypnotic amnesia.
Guide to a Better Birth
I have been looking at Henci Goer's book, and reading the First Concensus Initiative of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS). This has philosophical principles that address the issues of movement during labor, eating while in labor, interventions, breastfeeding, VBAC, etc. I wish I would have read half of what I have read for this pregnancy...I feel so much prepared, informed, and relaxed about the outcome that I will have when the baby comes...
The Vaccine Guide
A good person told me a few weeks ago to get this book to make informed decisions about vaccinations. I received a copy of the book "The Vaccine Guide: Risk and Benefits for Children and Adults" by Randall Neustaedter, OMD. This book is a very comprehensive book that discusses the incidence and likelihood of diseases for which we receive immunizations. It also discusses the legal requirements and different legal exemptions that can be possibly used (philosophical, medical and religious). When discussing legal exemptions he quotes a book written by T. Finn (1983) called "Dangers of Compulsory Immunizations: How to Avoid them Legally" in which he states that you can prevent going to litigation by asking the school board, the hospital, and the physician administering the vaccine that the vaccine will not cause disease, death or injurious side effects. In essence, if the document is worded correctly, not one person can guarantee and sign a paper stating that the vaccine is completely safe, and the child would be allowed to go to class.
Saturday, March 1
23 weeks and still counting!
I want to have support for my birthing. I feel that I need support. So, I tell my son, "Are you going to help mommy? Are you going to help mommy in her birthing time?" He responds, "Yeah, I help mommy by putting birthday cake in her nose!!" :) I had to laugh, and see his comparison of birthday with birthing. They have the same root word, he was right!!
I just feel that if I get the courage, who knows if I will end up having one of the unassisted births. I like to read the positive birth stories, and have a great appreciation for understanding how a woman feels the need to concentrate and not be bothered by distractions, questions, etc that will not happen the longer I stay at home, and stay quiet, to myself.
If you are stopping by and know of great stories that you can share, let me know...Thanks!
Monday, February 25
Concious Birth Affirmations
This next video is facts about birthing in the United States.
Friday, February 22
Snowed in at 22 weeks!!
Sometime during the night, it started to snow here in New Jersey and the tri-state area. When we woke up at 6:30 am, there was plenty of snow in the ground as you can see in the pictures. One of the pictures is Nico trying to clean the car, and the dog watching.
I had to call in at 7 am and at that time they said they had a delayed opening of one hour. I needed to be at work, but that made me depressed because I couldn't stand the idea of driving for 25 miles in this type of weather. Luckily, my co-worker called me at about 9 am, and asked me if I had left yet, I was planning to catch the train, and was getting ready to walk out the door. She called to tell me that they updated the message and CLOSED for the day. What a relief!! I felt like a ton of bricks had fallen off my back. However, not in its entirety, because I know that I have to do the work I didn't do TODAY on MONDAY...YIKES!!!
I haven't spoken about the dog. She is a really cute German Shepperd and Rottweiler mix (in Spanish is Pastor Aleman mixto con .....). We found her lost and no one claimed her, plus she had no collar on. We decided to keep her in the house.
Keeping a positive and stress free mindset throughout your pregnancy seems to be very important. I was reading the birth stories in the book, "Journey Into Motherhood" that I mentioned before in a previous blog, and they are mostly inspiring, and unlimited. They continuously refer you to think positive, stand your ground, be assertive and informed. These women read before their birthing time, and were able to make effective and sound decisions about what they wanted to have for their birth. Eventually, each and everyone of these women went onto having peaceful and great satisfying births.
As for the circumcision controversy, I decided a long time ago that my first son was not going to be circumcised. They asked me in the hospital about 3 times, and I believe this was the minimum. Well, they may have asked me while I was unconscious. I guess they wanted to make that extra $$$. None of my other children if I have more boys will be cut. I believed that if boys were meant to be without the skin, they would not have the extra skin, it serves it's purpose. The bible talks about circumcision, is really disturbing. It is somewhere in the Genesis chapters, where I read about its purpose and I was appalled. According to some major activists, circumcision is a cruel and unnecessary act. I feel that this website is compelling, and informative nocirc.org when it comes to discussing reasons for not doing a circumcission. I post the website against circumcission, but of course you can always find your pro websites. Personally, I do not want to know where they are.
I'm still researching the vaccination issue. I'm going to see two actual places that sell cloth diapers, so that I may feel them, hopefully compare prices, and different materials. Thanks for listening to my rant.
Sunday, February 17
This weekend I have spent some time researching several different issues...
Cloth diapers and Vaccinations...
Well the whole cloth diapering thing is becoming more clear, I think the least expensive method for me would be to use pre-folds. There are sooo many choices, Indian, Chinese, unbleached, bleached, and the list goes on...Than there are the covers, Bummis, Aristocrats, I can't remember them, too many tooo mention. There is the issue about how many diapers do I need, how do you wash them? Do I need to use a Snappi? How do I carry these things around? Websites have SOOO much information is not even funny....When I make decision, I'll probably let you know....
Then there are the vaccination issues...I have read on some websites that vaccinations contain elective aborted fetal tissue (human diploid), kidney tissue from monkeys, chicken embryo, gelatin, I'm not even talking about the chemicals that are causing attention in the media, the preservative mercury which has been linked to autism. Are you aware that there is a National Vaccine Compensation Program? It was created because are children were getting injured with vaccinations...HELLO!! We are indoctrinated with the ideas that VACCINES are necessary, but they are actually experimental, and poorly tested. Some activists state that pharmaceutical companies bribe legislators with tons of money and have made people believe that this things are MANDATORY. When we put our children into school, the state gets money for each vaccinated child, and the state pushes the parent to vaccinate children, in order to get more funding, right, does that sound right? The whole process start with the day the baby is born with the Vitamin K shot, the eye ointment and the Hep shot at the hospital, and it continues on with the well visits. I don't have to tell you this...you can see this for yourself at http://www.nvic.org, and look at the exemption letter done by Barbara for exemptions with attachments,http://www.vaclib.org/chapter/cherubs.htm, and I like what is says on this Florida website about religious exemptions, http://www.know-vaccines.org/exemption.html.
Friday, February 8
There is a new video that protrays women who had VBAmC.
Check it out!!
Tuesday, February 5
The halfway mark...is getting close!
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth, by Henci Goer
This book is basically about medical stories and I think it basically tries to disect the truth from myth.
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin
From looking at the contents, the first half of the book seems to be birth stories, the other half educational tools for birth. It has excellent reviews.
Journey into Motherhood: Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth, by Sheri L. Minelli
From my personal understanding this book has multiple birth stories, and accounts from birthing mothers, and their partners. I have read about 3 or 4 stories. They give advice, and provide what they used to prepare for birthing at the end of each story. Another way to prepare for a positive birth.
I have only looked at the books briefly, and I can't read them all at once....I think I'm done buying books for now...I'm going to focus on reading them. Finally someone read to me the "Bubble of Peace" However, I have not started the Class #2. I will this weekend...I think Saturday for the first part, and Sunday for the second...and I will start Class #3 next Saturday. I will dwell, and do my birth affirmations for the rest of the week and continue to relax to Class #1.
Anyway, I wanted to let anyone know what I have done to prepare myself for my next birth, hopefully with the intentions that if everything is successful, as I desire, you can use similar tools to help yourself, or better tools...The point is to continue to learn and grow.
Friday, February 1
It's official, I'm 19 weeks!
This week I found this interesting You-tube Video, through someone's favorites, I forgot who....It's basically teaching you the positions to birth and labor, I believe it's a "How to" video.
I have about 3 different due dates, that I like to play around with. The one that I go by is my personal due date, or the day I think I conceive, which would be June 24, 2008. The other 2 dates, are the ultrasound date, and the last day of my menstrual period (LMP). The midwives are using the LMP date, which is great, just in case, I go past the due date, June 28, 2008. The other date is the one that the original OB had given me due to the size of the baby, which is June 22, 2008. I'm glad I ran away from there, that would have called for an early c-section, before the baby was completely cooked. The official, is the LMP, which today marks 19 weeks. That puts me one week shy from the mid-way mark!!! Yikes!!
Tuesday, January 22
Counting towards 18 weeks
I haven't been able to do the hypnobabies study course, but I will make an attempt again to start this week. Each day, I get distracted by a multitude of things, and I hope to be able to focus, and get everything done. I can feel the baby move at times, it feels like litte butterflies in my lower belly, and I know the baby is alive and well. I can't wait to be able to hold this baby in my arms.
Tuesday, January 15
Just about 17 weeks!!
I just recently took a trip and I have returned from Puerto Rico. I have over 200 messages to check, and stories to read, and catch up!!
Also, I celebrated my 30th birthday, and I have decided to share this picture...As you can see my current condition is becoming obvious!!
January 13, 2008....in PUERTO RICO...