Wednesday, April 21

Unschooling, what is it....

I am the parent who sits back idly and recognizes that the public school system is broken but uses it anyway, because of the fear mongering that occurs that if I leave my job, and that if I don't send my children to school, they will not learn what I need them to learn. Okay, maybe I don't really believe that. I do believe that I would have a hard time surviving in commerce if I leave my job, that is my biggest fear. How do I get away from that fear? I have no clue.

Everyday, I am thinking about alternatives, things that I can do different...however, something is holding me back. The movie keeps playing in my head, over and over. I have to move that movie, and take control of that soon, before it continues to control me...essentially I need to unjob, so that I can unschool.

Sunday, April 18

My experience with the ICC

I'm revisiting the past and bringing you to the present....the first visit is to my experience with the discipleship and recruitment in the International Churches of Christ (ICC), from my personal viewpoint. On July 2001, I began to study the bible. Throughout my life, I did learn somehow that God does listen to me. Now, I had to learn to listen to him. I had to learn to have an intimate relationship with God. I may actively seek to not engage in sin, but I really had to repent (change). Then, I learned about cults, and mind control when I checked out It’s my main source of personal knowledge about the controversial history of the church that I belonged to for about four months. I wasn't aware of this during the time I joined the church, but by the grace of God I found information to release me from this joy, I thought I had!

When I joined the church, I had a feeling of inadequacy that I couldn’t understand. My decisions were not valid to anyone or me in my imaginary world. I felt guilty and hurt, because I was thinking that I was not with God. I felt like I needed permission to do things, I was constantly reminded of how important it was to seek advice. I was forced to think differently in almost everyway. I was deceived to think that my good intentions were worthless. Was I being rebellious, and not with God? I was told that I was too independent and self-reliant, which are not sins. What I am doing now with my feelings of doubts is satanic, according to an ICC member. I’m battling against God.

When you are being brainwashed, you don’t even realize it. I was told that I was thoughtless, when I was trying to do my own research. In reality, what I want is to be right with God, I believe there is one. This woman believes that she has it all with her Bible, and that I’m not going to make it to heaven. “Making it to heaven requires making disciples” she stated. At the time, I didn't disagree with that statement, only with the procedure. She doesn’t understand that what she is doing, and therefore cannot really listen with an open heart. With the excuse that Satan is attacking God’s church, many of the members fail to realize or verify any of the criticism that the church receives.

Right now, I feel a freedom from religion. I feel strong spiritually, sad with a mixed happiness, grateful indeed for the experience that I did go through. This is me trying to get myself back, after I tried hard dying to myself. The phrase “dying to self” is commonly used in the ICC, so therefore I tried to change even in areas I did not need to. This is hard to understand, because the women I met were focused on serving God. I was blinded by an obscure faith in the Bible, interpreted a certain way. Bible study with these women is full of deceit by a predetermined study, guided by the thoughts of one man, who guides them thinking that they are the only people with great hearts, because they belong to the "kingdom" (terms will be later explained). They are the only people that are saved, and the rest are in darkness.

To be continued! :)

El propósito de este lugar es tratar de visitar el pasado y traerte al presente. La primera visita es al lugar de la dedicación de discipular y el reclutamiento en la Iglesia Internacional de Cristo (refirida aqui como ICC) desde mi punto de vista. En julio del 2001, comencé a estudiar la Biblia. A través de mi vida, aprendí de alguna manera que Dios me escuchaba. Ahora, tuve que aprender escucharlo a él. Tuve que aprender tener un lazo íntimo con Dios. Puedo intentar activamente a pecar, pero realmente tenía que arrepentírteme (cambiar). Entonces, aprendí sobre cultos, y control de la mente cuando visite a Es principalmente mi fuente del conocimiento personal sobre la historia polémica de la iglesia que pertenecí por a cerca de cuatro meses.

Cuando me hice miembra la iglesia, tenía una sensación de insuficiencia que no podía entender. Mis decisiones eran inválidas en mi mundo imaginario para cualquier persona y para mí. Me sentía culpable y lastimada, porque pensaba que no estaba con Dios. Me sentía como que si necesitaba permiso de hacer mis cosas, yo fui recordada constantemente la importancia de buscar consejo. Me forzaron pensar diferentemente en casi toda maneras. Me engañaron para pensar que mis buenas intenciones no tenían valor. ¿Sería que yo era rebelde, y no estaba con Dios? Me dijeron que era demasiado independiente, que no es pecado. Lo que estoy haciendo con mis dudas es satánico, según un miembro de la ICC, estoy actualmente luchando contra Dios.

Cuando le están lavando el cerebro a uno, uno no se da cuenta. Me dijeron que era insensata, cuando intentaba hacer mi propia investigación. En la realidad, lo qué deseo es estar correcta con Dios, yo creo que hay uno. Esta mujer cree que ella lo tiene todo con su Biblia, y que yo que no voy a llegar al cielo. "Llegar al cielo requiere hacer discípulos" ella indicó. Yo no tengo nada en contra de esa declaración, solamente con el procedimiento. Ella no se da cuenta de lo qué ella está haciendo, y por lo tanto no puede realmente para escuchar con un corazón abierto.

Ahora, siento una libertad dentro de mí. Me siento fuerte espiritualmente y triste, con una felicidad mezclada con agradecimiento de hecho por la experiencia cual pasé. Estoy agradecida de que puedo cambiar el proceso de la reforma del pensamiento que tuve. Ésta soy yo intentando conseguirme de nuevo, después de que yo intente difícilmente morir a mí. Intenté cambiar incluso en áreas que no necesité. Esto es duro de entender, porque las mujeres que conocí son servidoras a Dios. Yo me cegué con una fe increíble en la Biblia, interpretada de cierta manera.

El estudio de la Biblia con estas mujeres es llena de engaño por un estudio predeterminado, dirigido por los pensamientos de un hombre. El los dirige para que piensen que son la única gente con los grandes corazones, porque pertenecen al "reino" (los términos serán explicados más adelante). Son la única gente que se salva, y el resto está en oscuridad.

A continuación!

Thursday, March 4

Jobs with the most openings

This is what I think may be a current list about what are the jobs that have the most openings....what do you think?

1 Cashiers, except gaming Short-term on-the-job training
2 Retail salespersons Short-term on-the-job training
3 Waiters and waitresses Short-term on-the-job training
4 Customer service representatives Moderate-term on-the-job training
5 Registered nurses Associate degree
6 Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food Short-term on-the-job training
7 Office clerks, general Short-term on-the-job training
8 Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand Short-term on-the-job training
9 Elementary school teachers, except special education Bachelor's degree
10 Stock clerks and order fillers Short-term on-the-job training

are you trained enough to do these jobs? what type education do you think you need?